TD24S-D01〈Layered Sheer Top〉4colors
¥23,000 + tax
Item Description
こちらのアイテムはシアーのトップスを重ねたようなデザインが特徴。シアートップスの下には、定番シリーズ(A01など)と同様の生地のタンクトップが肩で縫い込まれているので、透け感を気にせずに、このまま1着でスタイリングが完成します。カラーリングは、ナチュラルでヌーディーな印象のSMOKE MINT、春夏に着たい鮮やかなLIMEとORANGE、シックな印象のBLACKの4色になります。
Starting this season, a new essence with a different atmosphere than usual has been added to the todo series. The variety of cuts and designs has increased, creating more free and stylish items.
This item features a design that looks like a sheer top layered over a tank-top. Underneath the sheer top, a tank top made of the same fabric as the standard series (A01, etc.) is sewn at the shoulders and overlapped, so this item can be worn on its own without worrying about transparency.The coloring will be in four colors: bright ORANGE and LIME for spring and summer wear, SMOKE MINT for a natural and fresh impression, and BLACK for a chic impression.
The tank top parts continue to be made of recycled polyester fabric made from collected plastic bottles. It has a glossy and bouncy texture. The sheer fabric is also made from recycled polyester and has a soft and crisp texture. It is pleated and elastic, so it is comfortable to wear regardless of your body shape. If you wrap it around in the pleated direction, it will not wrinkle easily, and it dries quickly, making it perfect for travel.
*Wearing color is #ORANGE
着丈52cm / バスト40cm/ 肩幅38cm / 袖丈17cm / 襟高8cm
length 52cm / bust 40cm / shoulder width 38cm / sleeve length 17cm / callor length 8cm
Flat measured.
Material & Fabrics
ネットをご使用いただき、洗濯機でのお洗濯が可能です。縫い目が裂けやすくなっておりますのでお取り扱いにはご注意ください。プリーツ部分のアイロンのご使用はお控えください。 プリーツ部分にシワができた場合は、アイロン面を直接生地に当てずに1~2cm浮かせ、優しくスチームをかけてください。その際、温度が高すぎたり、スチームが強すぎると、プリーツが取れてしまう場合がございますので、十分にご注意ください。全て1点ずつ製作しているため多少の個体差がございます。
It can be machine washed using a net. Please handle with care as the seams are prone to tearing. Please refrain from ironing the pleats. If the pleats are wrinkled, please lift the ironing surface 1~2cm away from the fabric and apply steam gently. If the temperature is too high or the steam is too strong, the pleats may fall out. Please note that each item is made, so there may be slight individual differences.